Saturday, April 25, 2009

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Blogposts (more recent listed first)
Inflation is caused when debts are made that will not be paid back
Not all States are aggressive to their citizens
The State can be legitimate if it uses (enforces) only negative rights
Positive rights rely on fear (and cowards) to be effective
Price fixing (and taxation) causes scarcity and starvation
It's not right that people are able to hoard an excess of land
Should each person have a minimum quantity of land?
The State should only intervene if there is a problem
Is the money created by the banking system real money or not?
Do we really have self-ownership?
The company excludes people from having access to itself
Internal trades within a company are not subject to income tax
My contract... is not that I will do good, only that I will do no harm
Positive rights are a mistake on the part of the person who complies
Positive rights are repayment for the protection provided by the State
Banks cause inflation because people think that credit is money
Courts should be concerned with freedom, not punishment
The State exploits the judicial process by imposing fiat currency debt
What is an appropriate punishment for a one-off crime?
What attributes make up a crime?
The State should have the right to restrict our freedoms, nothing more
Forced payment of fiat currency goes against self-ownership
Punishment can only be justified if safety is improved
Non-violent criminals should be able to pay to get out of prison
Self-ownership does not deny the ability of groups to act collectively
No group or person should (have the authority to) violate the NAP
What is land slavery and how can it be mitigated against?
According to the State, credit is money but is it?
Anarchy is safety, the State is a security risk
Why deficit spending causes inflation (of prices)
Landowners are subordinate to the State
The price of fiat is set by the State (and the people) using taxation
The poor (and lower-middle class) should be exempt from Income Tax
Does a Land Value Ceiling make things more fair?
Inflation is a consequence of the State guarantee of bank deposits
Treasuries are more reliable than bank deposits
The State need not (necessarily) contradict the NAP
It would be better for the banking system to collapse
The State will be reluctant to Monetise the debt
The State takes credit for the altruism of others
Don't expect loaned money to be returned
If the debts cannot be repaid the banking system will fail
Will the banking system be tested?
Violence does not help the victim
Politicians don't know what the problem is
The Government aren't able to support themselves
The Government recognises bank credit and Treasuries
Taxing trade creates less redistribution than taxing wealth
Credit is inflationary because people don't prefer cash
Understanding the financial crisis
The State prevents people from helping each other
We achieve more when acting separately
Prices go up because banks lend deposits
The State will leave you alone if you pay fiat
The Government solution is always force
The Government is preemptive
Why must I pay taxes?
The public don't want quantitative easing
Issuing personal credit
Vigilantes are more efficient than State police
The criminal prefers the State
The State is a good way to kill ourselves
Get paid for doing nothing and work for free
Gilts are cash (with a time delay)
By holding fiat what do you own, your freedom?
Fiat as a proxy for property rights
Common harvest, then why not common distribution?
Local people would help the infirm spontaneously
Why allow banks to increase the money supply?
We should tax that which can be harmful
Change States but don't move
Inflation is the result of Socialist policies
Let the rich keep their money
Deficit spending is printing banknotes
How the State is destructive
A free market of States
Involuntary debt is invalid
Collaboration does not harm those not involved
People can refuse the State
Companies shield their employees from the State
The concept of ownership is invalid
The implications of a silent bank run
Try to make yourself useful
How to privatise the banking system

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