Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Positive rights rely on fear (and cowards) to be effective

People only respond to claims for positive rights out of fear, not because they consider them to be valid... or for any other reason. A tax rebel is a person who refuses to pay taxes...
A claim to possess positive rights is the claim that you have the right to make someone else do what they would rather not do... So once we understand that the person would rather not perform the action (such as paying taxes) we know that the person is acting under duress. They are afraid (fearful) of the consequences of failing to perform the action.

The threatened consequences for non-compliance have not yet been enacted, no force has yet been used; so far it is entirely psychological. Once force is actually introduced then it becomes a question of the negative rights of each party... who has the right (or might) to force the other to do as they wish. Non-payment of taxes results in a custodial sentence, at which point the negative rights (the right to roam, to freedom) of the individual are actually threatened... of course this (to use force) is illegitimate (in this case) because no crime has been committed...

Those who pay taxes (to the State, or similar) can be said to be "Tax Cowards" because they act in a way that they would otherwise not do, out of fear for the consequences.
coward –noun
a person who lacks courage, esp. one who is shamefully unable to control fear and so shrinks from danger or trouble.
coward –noun
a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.

Every positive right is a threat (to use force, or violence)... but it is not a threat not to do a crime because that would fall under negative rights. It is a threat that, even though you are innocent, you are obliged to perform some action (which you would rather not do) for a reason that has not been (legitimately) established.

The Government uses psychology to make people tax cowards...

Saturday 25 April 2009

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