Monday, February 2, 2009

The State prevents people from helping each other

It is the natural inclination of everyone to help people more often than not and so any interference to this behaviour will prevent people from doing that and they will help each other less.

If a person has decided, or come to the view that the human instinct is to do harm then it makes sense for them to advocate the State. If, however we realise that people, when they can, like to help one-another then we do not advocate the State.

We are at our best and achieve the most when we are working to help not just ourselves but also (perhaps) others. We don't achieve so much when we seek to do harm. As we realise and understand that other people are just like ourselves we will be less inclined to harm them and so any efforts to do so will be less productive because we won't be able to do it with such passion.

If left alone people will do good overwhelmingly... It is beneficial for them individually as much as it is collectively.

17th February 2009

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